Starting Small


This month we are excited about the newest teacher from our Center: SreyOuen, one of our Father’s House kids! For many months now, staff member Aly has been visiting local children and teaching them Khmer literacy and basic English. Aly has been doing such a great job transitioning these children from completely unschooled to functionally literate! And sometimes she brings along some of our Father’s House children (including SreyOuen) to help.

Recently, SreyOuen noticed that there were several new children hanging around who seemed interested in learning but were not ready for the level of study that the children who had been attending for months were at.  She asked Aly if she could start her own little class teaching basic Khmer reading and writing to them. We were of course thrilled to say yes to this endeavor!


One of our biggest desires for Father’s House and Loaves and Fish children is that as they grow up and see how God has brought them out of brokenness into lives of blessing and abundance, that they would begin to sow back into the communities where they were once considered outcasts: that they would bring hope to those around them just as God has brought hope to them.

We are so thankful for faithful and encouraging staff like Aly, who are modeling service and helping our children find their callings. And we are excited to see the many ways that the kids in our programs are blossoming, maturing, and sharing what they have with others! Please join us in praying for SreyEun’s little literacy class, that as she teaches these young children, both she and they would be blessed!


Hope, in Life and in Death

Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints. Psalm 116:15

This past Friday we received news that the father of Sokra (married to Sana), a staff member at IHSI, had passed away. Thun was a hard-working, soft-spoken man who cared about his family and was kind to his neighbors. He had a reputation for being gentle, persevering, and dedicated. At the age of 90, after witnessing war, hardship, and much change in his nation, Thun had quietly and peacefully died after a brief conversation with his wife.

As soon as we heard what had happened, staff and youth from the Church and community sprang into action, helping to work through the practical needs of the family in order to plan a funeral that would honor Thun’s memory and comfort his loved ones. Though mourning with them for their loss, we knew that for Thun this was a joyous occasion, because nearly two years ago he began attending church and made the decision to accept Jesus as his Savior. In fact, Thun was the oldest man we have ever baptized at Gospel Community Church Saang!

Traditional Khmer funerals are full of superstition, veneration of the dead, and rituals that perpetuate curses, fear, and despair. But Thun’s funeral was in a completely opposite spirit. Words of encouragement, comfort, and exhortation were offered, and beautiful hymns reminding of the Lord's faithfulness were sung, all amid a gathering of friends, family, neighbors, and many church members. Truly our God is one of hope, in both life and death!


We are blessed to see the beautiful witness of Thun’s life and death, and believe that the local community has seen a glimpse of the love of Christ in action as His Body worked together to honor Thun’s memory. Please join with us in praying for those still grieving, that God would comfort them as only He can.